With a wealth of experience accumulated over many years in the laser service industry, we can guarantee that you will receive the best possible technical support from our highly trained engineers.
Reduced Downtime Costs
We cut our teeth with the Semiconductor market where that expectation couldn’t be any higher! This market looks at cost of downtime more closely than the cost of repair, just a few hours downtime front end of process can make a difference of weeks on the backend of the semiconductor process. We understand this and apply the same philosophy across all of our market sectors. Where possible we try to get in same day to help a solve a problem, and we are always at the end of the phone.

Our ethos is about building relationships with our customers so that they understand that we are genuinely trying to help them avoid downtime, reduce scrap, save money and most of all, save reputation with their customers.
Extensive Expertise
We pride ourselves on having an extensive knowledge over a wide range of laser manufacturers products.
Of course we specialise in the brands that we sell such as Alpha, ULS, FOBA, 4Jet, etc, that goes without saying, and all of our existing customers know this. However our expertise reaches far beyond our own equipment brands. We have within our service group about 150 years combined laser service experience and there are not many systems we haven’t worked on. We do have specialisms such as GSI, Lumonics, JK, Spectron, Laser applications, Control, Holobeam, Chicago, Rofin, OR, Coherent, Lee laser, GCC, Trotec, Epilog the list goes on!
Contact Us
If in doubt email sales@tlm-laser.com or give us a call on 01527 959 099. If we know nothing about your system we will tell you. But our knowledge of process and lasers has helped many customers fix systems thought unfixable. Laser systems tend to suffer similar problems, especially when it comes to process.